Thursday, November 09, 2006

Top 7 Reasons Why It's Called "Trampa"

You might notice me referring to Tampa as "Trampa" or Tampa Bay as "Trampa Bay". It is a well-earned moniker thanks to the "trampolinas" that live or come here.

1) "Pirates", the successful porn movie, was partially filmed on HMS Bounty docked at the Pier in St. Petersburg under the guise that it was a PG-13 film. By the time the 'powers that be' found out the real deal through embarrassing rumours, footage and various BS red tape, the booty had definitely been plundered.

2) "Too Pretty to Go to Jail" Debra Lafave taught school in Trampa. Now thanks to her security anklet, she's being homeschooled.

3) Two visiting Panthers cheerleaders got caught in restroom catfight with other patrons because they were busy purring over each other in the stall.

4) We have several helpings of the recommended daily allowance of strip clubs and sex shops. It's a miracle we're in a Red State, but then again sometimes we have more than one Bush in this state. They just fly on in Trampa -- if we're lucky, we might get a Dick, too.

5) A very familial establishment called Hooters was born in Clearwater. I must admit I do like the breaded wings, but the eye-popping atmosphere is wasted on me. Okay, I get comic disbelief.

6) We're forever associated with the hanging chads thanks to past Florida elections when many of us just want a well-hung Chad.

7) Trampolinas rock! Now have some "Bite My Ass" cookies, because we love it y'all!

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