Monday, May 03, 2010

Professionally Speaking

I've been thinking about this for weeks. Quickly I am realizing my life is changing again and I have to be prepared. My carefully lacquered version of reality is wearing and starting to crack from internal pressure. Before I combust and unleash steam to poor unsuspecting friends and family, I must get it together.

Today after encouragement from Bridget, I made the call to my social worker at the cancer center and told her I needed to talk to someone, a professional someone. She made me laugh at some point because she asked me if I needed psychotropic drugs. Whhhaat?! It was to determine whether I needed to see a psychiatrist or a psychologist. Good grief. All I need is to talk to someone and get advice on how to cope with now and the next chapter of my life. I don't need some gourmet drug to add to the chemicals I am already being infused with every three weeks. Face it, I've been winging things to the best of my ability. Being positive and humorous can only get me so far if I don't have the necessary tools to deal with things as a whole and in the progression of things.

The situations and themes in my head are too heavy for my friends and family. As much support and love I receive, my emotions are too much for one or two people to take in right now. It is not fair of me to unburden myself. A professional is expecting it and is getting paid to listen and to help guide the average nutter. Knowing one needs help is good, but doing something about it is better.

There you have it.



Peter Kenny said...

Much better. It's a really healthy and grown up thing to get more help. Px

Kate said...

I agree with PK. Totally. Hope it helps. Kx

helloagol said...

Hugs to both of you! I have my first appointment on Tuesday the 10th at 8:30am. It gives me comfort that the words I am seeking will be forthcoming.


helloagol said...

Oops -- I meant 11th! ;p


Unknown said...

You know I love you babe- but I agree you know when you need to speak with someone and although I will always be there to listen...I feel inadequate to help and it's hard to know I can't.

That being said - I will ALWAYS be there for you...whatever you need.

A friend helps you when you need it - a best friend helps you hide the body. And I know where the bodies are buried. ;)