The cruel ringing of 4:30am barely woke me. I realized the day had to start NOW. Walked my Pretty Boy Dog, fed him and played with him some. Put on the kettle of water for my tea and prepared myself a bowl of cereal with milk which would sustain me until 9am. Managed not to spill anything on my way to the computer before skyping with Yummy at 5am.
His own personal projects just received a boost from work. Very happy for his opportunities for greatness. Yummy also received all the U.S. publications I sent him on Monday. Those should keep him out of trouble for a bit. Ha!
My hope for morning rain was dashed. Off I went to pick up a sleepy Tawny to meet Kim for a three-mile walk. The sun hadn't burned the mist off yet revealing spiderwebs glistening with dew on the plants. I rather enjoyed our walk this morning, more walking than talking.
Breakfast at Panera for croissants and coffee followed our walk. I couldn't shop for baby shower items without coffee today. Tawny was true to her word by accompanying me. It was not a pleasant shopping experience. After hearing me shoot down the other ideas and be surly in general, she hauled me off to my first choice which was a 3-cup KitchenAid chopper for Michelle to make her own baby food. Add nice tissue and cool bag with equally snazzy card...Voila! Fabulousness happens.
I put on my best game face for the family baby shower we were having for Michelle. Kids ran amok inside and outside the house. Talk about crazy daisies!
Kids running amok outside. The critters in the lake were afraid of them.
My goddaughter (front) and her twin relax with their mother.
My aunt cooked mostly Filipino food for the shower which we all gobbled up. Spent time with my adult cousins catching up. Showed them my UK pics that I hadn't been able to share with them. They enjoyed looking at all the streets and the flowers.
The gifts were opened where over a dozen people could ooh and aah. I ate cake. Don't get too excited. Half the cake's ingredients were sugar-free...Home later than I expected. Finished up some chores before succumbing to some much-needed sleep. Hmm...sleep.
As you can imagine... Jamie and I didn't get up for our ride that morning - kudos to you for going on 2 hrs sleep!!!!
You know...The old folks are making you look bad! LOL
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