Friday, October 27, 2006


1000 fishies! Actually, these were just a "school" of the ones I helped my cousin's wife decorate this weekend. We had salmon colored fish and electric blue, too! Let's just say your AGOL is sick of icing cookies; my share was probably about 500 pieces. As much as I love doing this kind of thing, there is something to be said about moderation. I even went home on Sunday night to make chocolate chip cookies for my friend T's son's first day of work at our company (poor sucker)...It was my version of light hazing, by making him share so he could make "new friends". It wouldn't have been so bad if I had not decorated the whole thing like an autumn gift bag complete with harvest-themed wire ribbon. ROTFLMAO - He's 20 years old! Well, he's still talking to me and the "big kids" haven't beat him up. It's all good.


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