Saturday, October 28, 2006

As Good As It Gets: "I am not posing for you..."

I've been experimenting with sending mobile pics to my blog so these first entries could look a little wonky. This was take #2 from a dog who prides himself on looking gorgeous; however, he just wasn't cooperating with his mama's inspiration for a "PBD Next to a Pine Tree" shot. It's still early and cool in Trampa. My dayglo-white skin was in no danger of sizzling from the sun. Cabal and I even let the breeze whip through our long hair! (Omigosh do we have hair!) Vacuuming is more than a hobby at our home. We can collect enough hair for a small village after zooming the vacuum around the apartment -- it's mostly him I'm sure!

Pretty Boy Dog # 2

Right now, I see him by the front door laying on his tummy resting from a stint from the outdoors...all of friggin 10 minutes, but that's not the point. He's just letting me post this entry before he dictates how I am to spend my Saturday with him. As PBD says, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."


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