Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cocksure Attorney

In exchanging news in the world via links in IM, Tab and I found out something about a high powered public executive and we were reading old articles about that person. I noticed that the attorney's name was unusual:

Sarah says: the attorney's name was Cock

Sarah says: that's one way to pay for a Cock

Sarah says: get it to represent you

Sarah says: i wonder if he winked a lot

Sarah says: do you think he was hard headed?

Sarah says: or was he more like a "hoodlum"?

Sarah says: do you think his wrinkles showed his age?

Tab says: I think paying for Cock is a good thing

Sarah says: ha

Tab says: better than having to juggle balls

Sarah says: true, but i bet he was surrounded by nuts and at least one asshole

Tab says: probably..

Tab says: but paying for cock is better than free cock

Sarah says: how's that?

Tab says: I mean.. if you pay for Cock.. you know he's really going to stand up for you.. take the hard line

Sarah says: true

Tab says: push back.. and really get penetration into the case

Sarah says: lmao

Sarah says: he always ends up with the pussies of the group though

Sarah says: he likes that because it makes him look good

Sarah says: do you think he trims (his face)?

Tab says: who knows

Sarah says: sometimes though when he gets really excited..he starts to dribble and other times he just loses it completely

Sarah says: especially when he gets jerked around

Sarah says: he's like that watch commercial years ago though..he takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'

Sarah says: ..okay..i guess we've (really i've) exhausted that...i like to be thorough

I am blaming my madness on the upcoming full moon. If you believe that then you don't know me well.



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