Monday, December 24, 2007

Wrapper's Delight

Work was eerily quiet. My boss was generous enough to let us out early at 12pm. Our offices were closing at 3pm. Good thing because I had to hit two stores yet and one was closing at 2pm. Last minute gift hustle. I can't remember if I had the same experience last year.

As soon as I started my car in the garage, the radio played Sara Smile by Hall and Oates. It put an instant smile to my face and was a gentle reminder that everything would be okay. No need for panicking. There was truly no need. I was finished with both stores and a third for more wrapping supplies by 3pm. In one store, someone gave me their extra store coupon. What a nice thing!

I had to really wrap (not rap!) though I began to think about the Sugarhill Gang's hit Rapper's Delight. My word association is just crazy. Soon I was both wrapping and rapping.

Sugarhill Gang's Rapper's Delight

Doesn't this just get you going? I can't sing it by myself, but I can sing along with it. For some reason the lyrics just come to me then. Play it again!

There was a mix-up with Tawny on my afternoon visit with Cabal so we could exchange gifts. I ended up having dinner with her whole family like I did on Thanksgiving. It was fun and Cabal certainly enjoyed the attention from everyone. He is just a ho ho ho! Tawny and Jeff liked the old-fashioned pop-corn maker and accessories I got them. They appreciate nostalgia items and have lots of people over to watch movies all the time. It reminded Tawny of the one her mom had when she was a little Tawny.

Cabal received a clear plastic boot filled with one of his favorite treats. I received a generous gift certificate to my favorite bookstore for New Year's Day and a new bundt pan for my rum cake shaped like a Victorian village which will look kewl with a good helping of confectioner's sugar sprinkled all over it. Tawny's mother-in-law gave me a surprise gift of a clear glass vessel (for a votive) with metal filigree on the edges and dainty chains to hang it from the ceiling. It was very sweet and once again unexpected. Am I the luckiest AGOL or what?

Here was a handsome Cabal dressed in his Jingle Tie at Tawny's.

Went home after 9pm to decompress and continue my wrapping. Tomorrow's three-home hustle should be fun...Eek!

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