Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ciao Sprinkles

It wasn't Chicago Italian, but it was still a good time with good eats. Sharon and I meandered around the Festa Italiana in Tampa today. The gods on Vesuvius were also generous by arranging the rain to move away by the time the festa was in full swing.

A hearty "salut" and a toast of our plastic flutes filled with a nice slice of fresh peach, chilled peach puree and sparkling prosecco for the famous Italian cocktail Bellini christened our day. We received quite a few queries along our trek around the park where we bought the colorful drinks.

The park swelled with guests as the hours wore on making standing in line for the different vendors and moving around a challenge. Sharon and I shared a dish sample from several vendors so we could get a good taste of more instead of filling up on fewer items. We ended the feast with cannolis from a local bakery known for good food and one more Bellini each. There were still a few hours left and we could have stayed for more of the entertainment, but we were full from food and the heat was pressing on us not to mention the humidity from the light storm in the morning.

We walked a couple blocks to the art center to see the building and Tawny, but Tawny was doing a beer and wine run for their evening event. Her husband Jeff was present making final arrangements for the event. A quick tour and some hanging around wound us down. We were both ready for a nap. I dropped Sharon off at work where I picked her up earlier for our meet-up.

The nap never materialized thanks to me fiddling online with e-mails and this blog. I spoke to my aunt and then later her daughter Angie in LA...It is 9:23pm and I am still wired from a second surge of energy. Sipping warm jasmine tea isn't helping me that much. I know I have to be in bed soon to continue my commitment to getting more sleep. It is a conscious effort each evening and I keep that effort as it has become paramount to my goal. I try to keep the lights low in the evening so that my body starts to produce melatonin to signal sleep. Are you laughing? It is funny. Honeys, if I don't approach this scientifically, I am not going to be as successful. At least, that's what I tell myself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How's that working out for ya? :)