Thursday, March 19, 2009

AGOL is a Registered Geek...and Loving It!!

I know - I couldn't believe it either! A quick IM conversation on Monday with my cousin about visiting her in Los Angeles some time in the summer turned into a double-dipping trip. Not only will I be visiting my cousin in La-La Land, but I will be taking a train from LA to San Diego for several days of High Geekdom at Comicon International.

I have wanted to go the last couple of years especially when Angie shared pics of the event that has grown beyond expectations. My friend Dianne's movie critic husband says it has become the venue to go to more so than some other elite film festivals around the country. Yes, he is envious that I am going.

On a crazy thought...I might design a costume and have it made so I can walk around in it one day during the convention. I'm more a sci-fi babe than a fantasy babe, but perhaps I can combine both. I've been watching my favorite movie "Labyrinth" and David Bowie's Jareth character gives me some ideas. Anything is possible.

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