Wednesday, March 04, 2009

AGOL Coffers Robbed

So imagine my surprise when I checked my bank account online at 6:10am and it said zero. A quick scan revealed that around a dozen transactions were completed with 8 more pending from APL-iTunes. I don’t have an iPod and I doubt I would be charging a few hundred dollars at a time in one day. The latter transactions pending are in $1 increments. My rent check cleared but only because the bank assessed me a $30 courtesy fee to cover it. Sigh.

I didn’t get mad. I didn’t panic. More annoyed than anything. There was an AGOL rush to get showered and ready to be at the bank’s doors at 8am when they opened. An hour later, I was temporarily mollified. The monies would be deposited back in soon (including the courtesy fee), but I had to pay $20 to get a new debit card overnighted. Luckily, I have enough money to buy lunch today at work. A little breakfast would have been okay, too, but Bridget brought me a strawberry muffin her mom had made and Korean Kim gave me some crackers she was sharing anyway. There was coffee from the breakroom...

All is good. I am feeling okay and lucky about the whole thing.


badgerdaddy said...

Yeah, this happened to me when we got back from Vegas after getting married. We'd just cleaned Trophy Wife's house up for her landlord to inspect, gone to the post office for something and my card wouldn't work despite having just been paid... Turned out I'd bought a few airline tickets in Kuwait that week, too. The bank sorted it within 10 working days, but that was right before Christmas which meant I got the money back around January 5th.
Bear in mind we'd just got married and moved in together, and it was Christmas... Not ideal, but we had a great time anyway.

helloagol said...

Yikes!! That would have sucked big time during Christmas. Well, all the monies and fees have been reversed. I was able to get my new card overnighted so it delivered yesterday and I was able to get to the bank this morning to have it activated and sorted before the weekend. Hooray!

PS I still miss your blog. I am sure that I am not alone in the void you have left. xo