Thursday, May 01, 2008

Just a Question

Cabal was barking up a storm. Did I forget to set my alarm because I was working from home today and overslept? I checked the clock and it read 4:45am. Huh? I got up and over Cabal's antics, I heard a faint knock on the door. Did Tab decide to come over? He would have called me first.

I looked through the peep hole and it wasn't anybody I recognized. It was an adult male, but I didn't feel any panic. Thank God I have a safety lock on my side of the door which would prevent anyone from pushing their way through if that was their intent. I opened the door and said hello. In a strung out or drunken voice, the knocker asked me if I he could ask me a question. Annoyed, I said No, thank you and shut the door. I watched him shuffle off and mumble a complaint about just wanting to ask a question. Grrr. When I retold this story to Tab, he said I should have greeted him with a .357 and reminded the guy that it was before 5am.

Working from home proved to be more an aggravation than a privilege. My laptop was not behaving well and has been showing its age the past couple of weeks. I almost cried a few times when one simple thing took 15 minutes instead of two. A few applications had to be shut down numerous times. It was not pretty. I would have to approach my boss for a new replacement very soon.

Left my apartment at 4:40pm to meet Kristey for a four-mile walk in the wooded park area. On the way, I confirmed my hair appointment for Saturday...There was a respectable amount of cars on our side of the park. It was sunny, but the breeze blowing cooled us as we meandered around. Received a text message from Dan near mile marker 2 letting me know of a few props he picked up for the party. Kristey laughed and said she could not wait to see pictures and hear about the whodunit.

Updated: I attempted to update my blog a few times this evening, but I hadn't been feeling it. The weekend was coming up and I could do it then. I received a couple of how are you doing e-mails from people who usually check here first to get an update. Guilt was starting to sink in.

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