Here's the herstory. Growing up in the Mother Country we had a lot of get-togethers that involved homemade cooked food, barbecue and for the adults, rum libations. I don't ever recall a bowl of chips disgracing the table. The whole cooking thing is so ingrained in me that I can't think of having a party doing it any other way. It says that you care enough about your guests to cook and serve them especially if you are serving a lot of alcohol. You need something to soak up the Guinness, margaritas and your favorite-tinis!
AGOL Entertaining Observations:
1) No Chips & Dip
(Exceptions: Sporting Events or if you are serving tortilla chips with salsa. If you are serving chips, please make sure you get the sturdier chip so it doesn't get lost in the onion dip thus encouraging double-dippers! EW EW EW)
2) Serve Real Food If You Are Serving Alchohol
(See Rule #1...You want your guests to survive the drive home. Can't cook? Get some pre-made food at the deli. I can't believe I am about to type this...I am feeling faint -- you can even buy frozen pizza, heat it and cut it into small pieces for appetizers. AGOL doesn't really like pizza.)
3) Make sure your bathroom paper products are filled or accessible if you run out.
(Gentlemen, we can't shake ours dry like you can so please be considerate. BTW, don't be shaking too long or we'll start to wonder if we should start charging admission.)
4) Evaluate Before You Arrive at a Party
This is really bad, but the truth hurts sometimes. Have some BMA Cookies if you don't like it. Before I go to a party, I evaluate the situation. Questions you must ask yourself: Is the hostess full caucasian? If yes, Strike One. Is the hostess rail thin? If yes, Strike Two. If the answer is yes to both questions...There is NO FOOD at the damn party so you better eat some PBJ before you leave the house! This is 90% proven true -- I have my own committee.
5) Play Lively Music (or any music for that matter)
Okay, smartypants -- I didn't mean polka (although I can appreciate a good polka, right Tawnyia?). I will be playing some Brian Setzer Orchestra and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy this weekend and some totally rad 80s selections.
This was taken a bit back by my great friend Tawnyia after we went grocery shopping to show everyone that I actually bought a bag of chips. Since the buddhas (I have two!) are only known to exist in my home among my circle of friends, it was hard proof. Then she had the nerve to send it around from her phone. What are friends for?
Gosh, there is so many more other -isms, but they fall into the Feng Shui category, more drilled down Cooking Lessons and AGOL General Topic. Those will be forthcoming at a later date. Right now, I have to still go over my holiday gift list and the food & beverage selections for next weekend. It's also time for a late lunch. Party of One. Today's selection, mademoiselle, will either be a choice of PBJ or eggplant parmigiana with a side of pasta...
I guess I better start boiling water for that pasta. Bon Appetit.
Hello Asian Goddess of Love. (Or may I call you Sarah Jane?) My God I didn't even realise that there was so much to learn about entertaining. I can see I must return to this blog to be enlightened.
Hi Peter!
Either one is fine. Returning is a requirement; there will be a quiz! Have fun on your train ride to work.
Hello Sarah Jane! On reflection I'm liking the idea of knowing an actual Goddess of Love. I am going to Japan for the first time this Christmas (my sister in law's mother is Japanese). As a Goddess I dare say your expertise stretches that far... So any divine advice? What to eat... what to avoid?
Konnichiwa, Peter-san!
From what I hear, Christmas in Japan is magical! I don't know if Hello Kitty will be assaulting you with sashimi or anything, just joking. I say go for whatever comes your way -- you eat curry already so partaking in exotic food is in your repetoire. Take at least one bite of everything. If all else fails, drink plenty of green tea or wash it down with a lot of sake! It is better to go without expectation or a master plan so you can see everything with new eyes.
AGOL requests that you take plenty of pics please to post on your blog so she can see how much fun you are having on your adventure in the Land of the Rising Sun.
Hello again AGOL!
I love exotic food... Among my favourites was the grasshopper tacos served with chili sauce I ate in Oaxaca Mexico. Definitely puts a spring in your step :-) but you have to fish things out from between your teeth after.
Curry is the unofficial English national dish. It now is traditional on a Friday night to have a few glasses of beer and then fork down a curry. There are over 8,000 Indian restuarants in the UK.
Anyway... enough about food. I think you look gorgeous in your photo!
I almost died laughing when I read this. I mean, I know all of these...but to have them in print all in one setting was too much!
Rule #4 is all too true unfortunately...speaking from a white caucasian autumnlover...
Is it me or did things get a little warm in here? Must be all the curry talk.
...check your e-mail.
Hello My Fellow Evil Kitty, Kathy!
You know these kinds of unwritten lists had to surface eventually. New generations of AGOL worshippers must study to pass on to their descendants.
Have fun,
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