Saturday, March 06, 2010

Writing Well

Looking back on what I've posted makes me cringe sometimes. No, it is not the content or subject matter. It is all the grammatical errors peppering the entries (IE subject-verb agreement, syntax errors, etc.). Just that last sentence is enough to send me into punctuation tailspin!

Well, my lovelies today I feel vindicated. Another blog I subscribe to published a "made-Sprinkles-feel-better" article regarding her blog writing: Ira Glass on Improving Your Craft. Please watch the short video on the page.

What I am trying to say is I hope that my messages are more important than the minor errors. I've read perfectly written stories that were still drivel that made me wonder how I was ever going to recover precious time lost or find the author to slap for offending me with their words. I try to focus more on imagery and conveying the message with more clarity. With enough practice I should be darn near more perfect than I am now. Ha!

Laughter IS the Best Medicine,
Sprinkles xo

PS That is why God created editors for us dangling participle loving gals. Wink.

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