Monday, June 30, 2008

Renewed Friendship

I need a day where I don't have much human contact. Phone calls and e-mails are okay, but I really don't want to see anyone I know. It is about keeping my immediate space sacred which revives me somehow. Today was that day after a weekend of interaction with others.

I ran some errands during the day. Minimizing my interaction with others was difficult as you don't want to appear rude and not smile when people see you in the stores. I only had a passing contact so no danger of encroaching upon my sacred space.

In the evening, my old school chum Sam called me and let me know that he just talked to our friend John. All three of us were elated to have found each other again. I talked to John for about two and a half hours after Sam gave me his phone number. He was driving from his job in Louisiana to his home in Texas. John works on oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico with hazardous materials and explosives.

Something he said made me pause. Apparently, he had been thinking about me too and wondering what ever happened to me. I said that I thought he would have forgotten about me, but he said I wasn't easily forgettable. He clarified that it was a personality thing. How sweet of him!

What John said reminds me of this picture that Kristey sent me last week. She said she saw it and apparently reminded her of me. If this is an image that makes her think of me...I am truly humbled and honored.


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