Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Overdoing It

At 6am, I was on my way to the complex dumpster to get rid of some larger items too big for the normal trash pick-up. By 8:30am I had vacuumed, washed floors, organized a bit and washed/dried my rugs. At 8:50am I logged into work.

Stayed home today for the pest control people to come and spray inside. You know how much Cabal loves strangers. Come to find out in the afternoon from the complex office that my building was getting sprayed next month! The bulletin was published incorrectly. Are you kidding me? I stayed home for this. Grrr...

Concentration was a losing game all day. I was uncomfortable at times and a mild headache would plague me. I did some work, but not enough. Caught up via IM with Bridget and my boss. Tomorrow will be a busy day for sure.

I got the idea to invite Jeff and Tawny over for a delivered pizza dinner. They called when they left work so I could gauge the timing of the pizza being delivered. Lately, I've been to their place more often than they have at mine. It was nice to have them over for a bit. Socializing in my apartment has gone by the wayside. Today, I just felt like company in my sanctuary.

It is a little after 9pm now and I need to call an early evening for tomorrow's demand. That nauseous feeling was back. I may have overdone it today or it could be a side effect. I know that I am not infallible, but I can sure try if I can.

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