Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Petting a Dragonfly

If it's Tuesday, it must be a work day. Yes, I know, it goes for the other weekdays. Our temps are still high and it makes going to work an extra chore. I was hoping for a taste of the cold front the weatherman kept alluding to some time this week. We're in the 90s now. Will we have to break out sweaters for the 70s or 80s? Doesn't matter to me. I still wear cardigans because I dress for indoors.

My manager had his director and conference calls to occupy him today. I got more work done. Go figure. Bridget enjoyed it as well. We were both happy to catch up on our paper piles. They multiply like rabbits. How do paper mate? They copy each other. Holy heck. I just made that up.

Bridget and I took a walk under the covered walkway around the building around 3-ish. The temperatures were still in the 90s, but there was a cool breeze going. As we walked in front of the glass walls near the front, we spied a small black dragonfly. It had landed on the small metal ledge by the glass. I was overcome with a desire and succumbed to the need to stroke its wings. The wings and body were like black velvet. My beautiful dragonfly allowed me to touch it for several moments. I nudged its tail and it stayed where it was and I stroked its wings again. It was pure magic. I told it to go on ahead and as we started walking, it flew away. I reveled in it. It was one of those divine moments. Bridget was quite amazed, too, at the trust of such a little creature.

Tomorrow I get to teach Bridget how to put on make-up in preparation for her photoshoot for their sexy derby calendar. I have an idea of what will look good for her and she needs to practice for Saturday. We've already discussed a plan and I have shown her magazine shots we can emulate as well as tips on how to crank up her hair for a more glamorous look with the help of hot rollers. If I didn't already have plans on Saturday, I would be there to do it for her...

Left work early to take care of Cabal and straighten my sanctuary a little before Kathy came by to pick me up for Vietnamese food. The food at this place was tasty. I love the way they marinate and charbroil their meat on skewers. It reminded me of street food in the Philippines. We finished it off with our boba drinks. Kathy had watermelon and I had avocado. Can't wait to try another dish on the menu. She brought me home and I gave her the mini steamed rice muffins and cassava cake pieces I saved for her in the freezer from my aunt's house. Kathy loves these Filipino pastries.

Was able to talk to Tawny for a little bit tonight. Felt her absence at work. No real updates on her end regarding Jeff's aunt in critical care. She will be back tomorrow. Poor thing. Meanwhile, I need to put away my laundry and get ready for bed. I didn't get to sleep until a little after 1am and woke up at 5am. I am starting to feel it this evening. G'night.


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