On Thursday, armed with baby aspirin and herbal lozenges, I arrived at work ready to dispel the joke of working remotely on Wednesday. Even without any better drugs, my head was still foggy. I sniffled, coughed and was generally miserable. I even had to open a small can of whoopass on someone who didn't care that I was feeling ill and who wanted something that didn't fall under emergency in any book. His reply after me getting what he wanted was, "I wasn't trying to piss you off, Sarah". Like hell! To his credit, he apologized sincerely at his behavior before he left for the day.
Friday was a beaut. Our network was acting up and people were generally moaning about things. I was such a zombie that I would grunt answers at whatever people would ask me. Tawnyia was back at work for the second day and was good enough to get me lunch when she and her husband went out. I was still pretending to get better with baby aspirin and herbal lozenges. How pathetic. At around 5pm, the network went down and I took that as a sign to make like a bat out of hell so I could go home and listen to Yummy's voice which made me feel better than the sucky baby aspirin. (FYI: I originally bought the baby aspirin for Cabal's arthritis and have been too busy to go to the pharmacy...and being Queen of Denial.)
The worst part about being sick is being alone and this time I didn't have to be. Yummy was sick at home, too. He contracted a really bad virus that has wiped him out for a whole week. We IM'ed and skyped and still found humor in being ill. This morning was no different. He has been manly about his illness despite a touch of hypochondria which means with his universal health care opportunities in a more forward country like England, he didn't go to the doctor's. He sorted everything on the phone. He's a writer so he can describe things better. I'll stick to that story. Ha!
I still honored my hair appointment this morning because..you know...um...that's really important. It made me feel better especially after the caffeine I quaffed down to make it there started to wear off. I was pampered, got told how pretty my hair was looking and had a generally shallow pity party moment. Everyone should try it!
Geeky Girl, was also in full effect after the haircut. My cousin Ida needed help with setting up her ISP and printing new pictures she'd taken. The bribe was her making this Filipino sour soup with tamarind base. It had pork, Chinese long beans, Japanese eggplant and bok choy. We served it over rice and seasoned with a Filipino soy sauce flavored with calamondin or Filipino lime. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was worth the drive over.
Ida also called our cousin Hilda in the Philippines. She woke her up at 3 o'clock in the morning! Hilda and I haven't spoken in at least 25 years. She knew I was coming over and didn't mind. What a treat!
A better treat was seeing the kids. They were busy learning prayers and teaching their big brother them too in preparation for the first communion and confirmation next month. I am glad that they are having this experience which can be beautiful. My worry is that they take everything to heart without later having their own questions and self-formulated view of God and religion. Only time will tell, but in the meantime, this experience is appropriate for them.
On the way home, I stopped at McDonald's for a caramel sundae and almost made it past the pharmacy when I had a coughing fit. So I made a Huey, Duey and Luey around the median to get to corner building. I retired my baby aspirin with 12-hour release adult dosage pills and also bought some cherry flavored lozenges. In my worst Yosemite Sam voice, "Take that, you Cootieville varmints! No one messes with this Sheriff for long and gets out alive."
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